Estrous Synchronization Prostaglandin


This hormone is naturally secreted from the non-pregnant uterus of the goat during the estrous cycle. It lyses (destroys) the corpus luteum so the cycle can start over. It is also secreted when it is time for birthing to help with the birthing process. Early studies with few animal numbers have shown that prostaglandin and similar hormones can be used for synchronization in cycling females. Studies have shown that during the breeding season, prostaglandin administered at a dose of five to 125 milligrams (mg), given 11 to 14 days apart has been effective in synchronizing estrus. Two injections (1.5 to 3 cc) given 11 days apart is the common protocol.  The second injection ensures an increased chance of lysing the corpus luteum to allow the doe to return to estrus. Higher doses of prostaglandin use (> 250mg) have been implicated in lowering conception rates even though estrus is displayed. The most commonly used prostaglandin is dinoprost tromethamine, commercially available as Lutalyse (Pharmacia and Upjohn Co.,Kalamazoo, MI).


Only effective during the breeding season, prostaglandin use, in combination with the male, or buck effect, may also offer a flexible, economical method for synchronization to shorten the breeding season in a natural mating situation. In addition, prostaglandin has been used as a co-treatment in effective progestagen-based synchronization protocols in goats for natural mating, artificial insemination and timed artificial insemination situations.  Use of any drugs in goats that are not labeled for goats should only be done through your veterinarian.

To read more about the male effect and its use in estrus synchronization please visit:

For additional reading on other methods of estrus synchronization, please visit:


Keywords: Prostaglandin, estrus synchronization, corpus luteum, economical, breeding

References: Whitley, N.C. and D. J. Jackson. 2004. An update on estrus synchronization in goats: a minor species. J. Anim. Sci. 82: E270-276E (Proceedings).