Out-of-Season Breeding Progestagen Use

Progestagen Use


Various forms of progestagen with different routes of administration have been used to extend the lifespan of the corpus luteum for synchronization in both cycling as well as non-cycling does.  Options for hormone control with progestagens (synthetic proegesterones) include:

1.Intravaginalprogestogensponges (pessaries)

2.CIDRs– (controlled intravaginal drug-releasing devices)

3.Melengestrolacetate (MGA)  


None of the pharmacological treatments listed above have been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for use in goats, only one (CIDRs® ) has been approved for use in sheep.  The CIDR is in the form of a silicone intravaginal progesterone insert.  It is typically inserted vaginally for 8 – 17 days, together with a prostaglandin and/or  pregnant mare serum gonadotropin(PMSG) injections 2 days before or at sponge removal.  Prostaglandin is commercially available as Lutalyse® and requires a prescription. PG600 is also more easily available than PMSG and performs the same function.  An alternative is also Cystorelin (Gonadotropin releasing hormone/GnRH), however this requires a prescription and the cost/dose is higher.  The additional use of gonadotrophins and prostaglandin analogs simply assist in further tightening synchronization in the doe.  

Insertion of CIDR in adult doe using a CIDR gun applicator









The use of CIDRs in goats has been demonstrated to efficiently induce and synchronize estrus and ovulation during the breeding as well as the non-breeding seasons.  If artificial insemination is used instead of a buck, it should be done approximately 48hrs after sponge removal or within 12 hrs after onset of estrus.  The Eazi-breed™ CIDR® (pack of 20) costs approximately $95.00 (ValleyVet and Jeffers Livestock) and the applicator runs from $7 – $10 at these same locations.  Please keep in mind that the use of CIDRS is goats is extra-label drug use and you should consult your veterinarian. 

For additional reading on other methods of inducing estrus during the non-breeding season, please visit the link below:


Also, please visit the link below for a better understanding of hormonal control of reproduction in goats:



Keywords: Goats, synchronization of estrus, prostaglandin, progesterone, CIDR


Reference: Whitley, N.C. and D. J. Jackson. 2004. An update on estrus synchronization in goats: a minor species. J. Anim. Sci. 82: E270-276E (Proceedings); http://www.luresext.edu/goats/training/reproduction.html