Pasture-Weed Management

Coffeeweed in a goat pasture in Alabama, USA.


Weed management is one of the important aspects for maintaining healthy, productive pastures. Any plant that emerges at an unwanted spot is called a weed. Whether a plant is considered a weed may differ from one production system to another. For example, a weed in a cattle grazing system may not necessarily be a weed in a goat grazing system, such as briers. Although goats eat a wide variety of plants …

How to Create a Farm Resource Inventory

2nd in a Series of Goat Economic Fact Sheets: How to Create a Farm Resource Inventory

Marion Simon, Ph.D., State Specialist for Small Farm and Part-Time Farmers
Kentucky State University Cooperative Extension Program

Note: Under the U.S. National Animal Identification Program (NAIP), it is important for livestock producers to have a registered Premises Identification for their farm and point of origin identification for each goat marketed. These identifications should be used in your record-keeping and inventory lists.
Goat farmers use …

How to Do a Strengths,Weaknesses,Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) Analysis


How to Do a Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT) Analysis

by Marion Simon, Ph.D., State Specialist for Small Farm and Part-Time Farmers
Kentucky State University Cooperative Extension Program

The SWOT analysis identifies the farm’s internal strengths and weaknesses and examines the external opportunities …

Goat Targeted Grazing

Examples to Study Dynamics of Targeted Grazing for Unwanted Vegetation Management Using Goats

Introduction, Rationale and Significance

Small ruminants such as sheep and goats have an advantage over bovines in terms of size and adaptability to foraging and browsing. It is this distinctiveness which allows them to be used as an alternative to the use of herbicides or prescribed burning for tree farm planting preparation, rangeland improvement, or enhancement of recreational area landscape. In most states, significant portions of land …

Goat Youth Program

Youth programs with goats generally focus around 4-H and FFA projects. Often these programs involve selection of animals and production for showing the animals at fairs and other livestock shows. The most common goat project for youth is the market kid project. Another popular project is the dairy goat project. Breeding stock and showmanship are two types of show programs that youth also participate in. There are also special fiber goat shows. Fiber shows can include both live animal and …

Developing the Goat Industry through Cultural Awareness

Developing the Meat Goat Industry through Cultural Awareness


Interest in meat goats has grown rapidly over the past 10 years. Goat is the most frequently consumed meat in the world. In the United States, meat-goat production is increasing because of goats’ economic value as efficient converters of low-quality forages into quality meat, milk and hide products for many specialty markets. Preference for goats is growing in populations of health conscious, ethnic and faith-based consumers. National estimates indicate there is …

Goat Diagnostic Methods



General Appearance / Signs

Parasitized animals can show many signs of infection depending on the parasites present. If the parasite is disrupting the digestive tract then common signs may include rough hair coat, diarrhea, depression, weight loss or reduced weight gain,  anorexia, and/or being off-feed. If the parasite consumes blood, symptoms often include 1) anemia, as viewed by pale color to the gums, vulva and mucous membranes of the inner eyelideye membranes, and even 2) bottlejaws.  Again symptoms may be …

Goat Pastures Year-Round Management

Goat figure


Year-round grazing systems

Producers need to be aware that there is no one grazing plan that fits all situations, and many factors need to be considered. Factors such as soil types, topography, climatic conditions, type of livestock operation, labor resources, capital, available machinery and specific objectives will define the grazing system to be implemented. Other factors such as control of gastrointestinal parasites of goats will also influence the choice of some forages to incorporate into the grazing system. The seasonal …