White Muscle Disease(Nutritional Muscular Dystrophy)

White muscle disease is caused by a deficiency of vitamin E and selenium. It is regional, occurring primarily in areas where selenium is deficient in the soil. It often occurs when feeding silage or old hay. Kids may be born with a selenium deficiency and be still born or too weak to nurse.

Clinical signs in kids: The disease is characterized …

Goat Pasture Management


Parasites and pastures

One of the best outcomes of parasite control program …

Goat Procedural Guides for Dealing with Parasities

Modified McMaster Egg Counting Procedure

Ray M. Kaplan, DVM, PhD James E. Miller DVM PhD
College of Veterinary Medicine School of Veterinary Medicine
University of Georgia Louisiana State University
Modified McMaster Egg Counting For Quantitation of Nematode Eggs.
Fecal worm egg examination methods are based on the principle of differential density. In other words,parasite eggs sink in water, but they will float in various chemical solutions that are more dense than water
because the eggs are lighter than the fluid …

Goat Large Intestinal Worms

Oesophagostomum spp. (Nodular Worm)

Oesophagostomum spp. are relatively large worms and can be found in fairly small numbers in goats throughout the United States. These worms feed on blood and can contribute to the overall anemia primarily attributed to barber pole worm (H. contortus). Although this worm resides in the large intestine, the larvae are found in the mucosa of both the small and large intestine where they form nodules, thus the name “nodular worm.” Once …

FAMACHA(C) Information Guide

Originally compiled by the faculty of Veterinary Science, University of Pretoria, the Onderstepoort Veterinary Institute, the Worm Workshop of the South African Veterinary Association, and the Intervet South Africa, with the support of the Food and and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, the National Wool Growers’ Association and the National and Provincial Departments of Agriculture in South Africa.

Modified by Dr. Ray M. Kaplan and Dr. James E. Miller within the framework of USDA SARE grant # LS02-143 to …

Goat Other Parasites

Moniezia (Tapeworm)

Many producers are concerned about tapeworms (Moniezia spp.)because they can see the moving segments — white rice, grain-like worms — in freshly deposited feces. Tapeworm eggs are ingested by field mites and infection is transmitted when mites are consumed with forage. Adult tapeworms reside in the small intestine, feed by absorbing nutrients from digested feed and cause very little damage. However, growth in kids may be somewhat reduced, and intestinal blockage may rarely occur. Infection can …

Goat Small Intestinal Worms

Trichostrongylus colubriformis (Bankrupt worm)

Trichostrongylus colubriformis is a very small threadlike worm and is the most predominant small intestinal worm. It is found in goats throughout the United States but seems to thrive better under more cool and wet conditions similar to T. circumcincta. However, in the southeastern United States, this worm is the next most common and important after Haemonchus. On some farms it can cause considerable problems. As with Telodorsagia, this worm feeds on nutrients …

Goat Diagnostic Methods



General Appearance / Signs

Parasitized animals can show many signs of infection depending on the parasites present. If the parasite is disrupting the digestive tract then common signs may include rough hair coat, diarrhea, depression, weight loss or reduced weight gain,  anorexia, and/or being off-feed. If the parasite consumes blood, symptoms often include 1) anemia, as viewed by pale color to the gums, vulva and mucous membranes of the inner eyelideye membranes, and even 2) bottlejaws.  Again symptoms may be …

Goat Dewormers

Dewomers are chemicals, or drugs, that have been evaluated and tested for effectiveness and safety for use in animals to remove (i.e. kill) worm parasites. They are also referred to as “Anthelmintics“. For the most part, pharmaceutical companies will not market a dewormer unless it is essentially 100 percent effective. As long as dewormers remain effective at the manufacture’s recommended dosage, control is relatively easy and cost- effective. However, resistance to almost all dewormers has been developed by …