Goat Q-Fever

Q-fever results from infection by Coxiella burnetti. This is an unusual spore-like organism that is highly resistant to environmental conditions. It is found worldwide, except in New Zealand, and transmitted to humans and other animals by aerosol, direct contact with reproductive discharges,or infected milk. Ticks can spread infection among ruminants and people.

Since the organism is so resistant in the …

Goat Reproductive Failure Psychological Factors

Psychological Factors

Any form of STRESS may result in a psychological and physiological causes of reproductive failure. Examples of stressful conditions include but are not limited to:
  • Natural mating (fighting, chasing) or artificial insemination (nervous female)
  • Isolation
  • Transportation
  • Heat/cold stress (can impact sex drive)
  • Trauma/injury
  • Semen collection (discomfort can reduce sex drive)

Regardless of the source of the stress, if an animal is under stress at a critical time, stress hormones including adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH) and cortisol can reduce reproductive …

Goat Reproductive Failure Toxicological Factors

Toxicological Factors

Spanish Doe.

When feeds get wet/damp, molds can grow and produce toxins, or mycotoxins, that can lead to reproductive problems and failure. Aspergillus, Fusarium and Penicillium are the most common toxins causing problems in stored feeds. In addition, there are molds and endophytes in forages that can also cause problems. Fescue toxicosis can results from endophyte (fungal)-infected tall fescue that make toxins such as ergot alkaloids, primarily ergovaline, that can delay onset of puberty, impair luteal function to …