Goat Nutrition S4

S4, S5 Flushing Supplements

Two concentrate supplements were used in a recent experiment investigating potential effects of concentrate supplementation before breeding on reproductive performance of Spanish does. The S4 supplement did not include a feedstuff high in crude protein (CP), whereas S5 contained fish meal. The supplements were offered at 250 grams (0.55 pounds) per day, beginning three or seven weeks before the breeding season. The composition of the trace mineralized salt is that given for CD2. The calculated composition …

Goat Nutrition DS1 & DS2 Lactation Supplement


DS1 Langston Dry Pellet

This pellet is another one of the institute used for pregnant goats in the last month or so before gestation. The Ca level is less than for the other pellets so that does are prepared to mobilize Ca in early lactation if necessary. The CP level in the pellet is moderate, typically fed with moderate- to high-quality forage, other than alfalfa. The trace mineral and vitamin premix is that given for S1. The calculated composition of …

Goat Nutrition DS2

DS2 Lactation Supplement

The DS2 is a concentrate-based supplement being used in an experiment with grazing and confined dairy goats in early, mid- and late lactation. It is being fed at two different levels – 0.33 or 0.66 kilograms (0.73 or 1.46 pounds, respectively) per kilogram of milk being produced over 1.5 kilogram. This is the same as 0.33 or 0.66 pounds per pound of milk produced over 3.3 pounds. Trace mineral and vitamin premixes are those used for CD2. …

Goat Nutrition CF1 and CF2


CF1 Dairy Kid Creep Feed

CF1 is a dairy kid creep feed at the institute used in recent experiments. It has a variety of feedstuffs and a high level of molasses. Trace mineral and vitamin premixes are those used for CD2. The composition on a dry matter basis is:

CP – 20%
TDN – 72%
ME – 2.68 Mcal/kg
Ca – 1%
P – 0.5%
Ingredient % (dry matter basis)
Dehydrated alfalfa pellets 15.00
Ground corn 18.00
Wheat middlings 20.00

Goat Nutrition CF2

CF2 Dairy Kid Creep Feed

CF2 is a dairy kid creep feed at the institute used in an experiment. It is based largely on corn. Trace mineral and vitamin premixes are those used for CD2. The composition on a dry matter basis is:

CP – 20%
TDN – 77%
ME – 2.90 Mcal/kg
Ca – 1%
P – 0.5%
Ingredient % (dry matter basis)
Dehydrated alfalfa pellets 15.00
Ground corn 57.31
Soybean meal 16.39
Blood meal 1.00
Fish meal 1.00

Goat Nutrition CF3

CF3 Meat Goat Creep Feed

CF3 is a creep feed that was used in an experiment with suckling meat goat kids. It is fairly similar to CF1 in composition, with a high level of molasses but a slightly lower level of CP. Trace mineral and vitamin premixes are those used for CD2. The composition on a dry matter basis is:

CP – 18%
TDN – 73%
Ca – 0.64%
P – 0.48%
Ingredient % (air dry basis)
Wheat midds 19.669

Goat Nutrition MVS2

MVS2 General Mineral/Vitamin Supplement

This supplement has also been used in experiments with forage-based diets. Trace mineral and vitamin premixes are those used for CD2. It is very similar to MVS1 but without molasses. It has the same feeding rate as MVS1, so assuming complete consumption would deliver slightly greater amounts of minerals and vitamins.

Ingredient % (air dry basis)
Dicalcium phosphate 22.3
Vitamin premix 37.0
Trace mineral premix 37.0
Deccox, 6% 3.7

Reference: Hart, S. P. and A. L.

Goat Nutrition MVS3

MVS3 General Mineral/Vitamin Supplement

This supplement has been used in an experiment with growing dairy goats and different dietary levels of concentrate and forage and different feeding methods. Trace mineral and vitamin premixes are those used for CD2. It is similar to MVS1 and MVS2 but without a higher level of dicalcium phosphate. It has a feeding rate of 0.07 percent of body weight, slightly greater than for previous supplements.

Ingredient % (air dry basis)
Dicalcium phosphate 21.42
Vitamin premix

Goat Vegetation Systems Business



Establishing a Brush Control Business

If you want to use goats for brush control, how do you get into the business? The first step is to visit other producers, especially those that are using goats for weed and brush control to see if goats will control your type of vegetation. Find out information about their goat management practices. Work to learn all you can about goats from extension personnel, other producers, and the internet. A good source of information is …

Vitamin E



Vitamin E deficiency causes nutritional muscular dystrophy,or white muscle disease. This usually occurs when feeding silage or old hay. Signs include weak kids, respiratory problems, reproductive inefficiency and off-flavor in milk. As a fat soluble vitamin accumulation in the body may occur, prior to supplementation a deficiency should be documented to avoid toxicity. Additional information about Vitamin E can be found …